218 episodes over 11 Seasons (including the flawed ones from unnecessary revival Season 10 and 11), 2 feature movies and 0 people you can trust. The show wrapped up its original run on May 19, 2002. And yet we can still here the eerie theme song…thanks Mark Snow!
Since X-Files was released 30 years ago on September 10, 1993…the demand for government transparency has increased. Open the UFO files!
If there’s no smoking gun we’ll settle for a smoking cigarette. Our universe is slowly evolving from Scullys to Mulders. Our Doggett pursuit persists because we know The Truth Is Out There!
But…we want to see it with our own Reyes.
Thank you Chris Carter for your wonderful sci-fi TV show. All these decades later…it’s clearly not a Fluke, man!
For all the paranoia; Big Brother, extinction talk…the X-Files was super witty:
Memory is a funny thing. Pop culture memory is even funnier.
I recently learned that X-Files and Frasier are both 30 years old.
X-Files premiered on September 10, 1993
Frasier one week later: September 16, 1993.
I like both shows a lot but I honestly do not remember watching them “simultaneously.”
Frasier was Thursday nights.
X-Files was Friday nights.
I do not remember living like that. Yet I must have.
(In hindsight it would have been preferable to clear some of the creepy X-Files episodes Tooms and The Flukeman with some classic sitcom comedy. A comedy chaser makes horror more palatable.)
Of course a consistent theme on the X-Files was missing time. So ah…there might be more than 1 explanation for my Swiss Cheese Memory.
Sammy Younan is the affable host of My Summer Lair podcast: think NPR’s Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.