“Follows four unlikely vigilantes who pit themselves against the villain behind California’s coldest case when they decide to take justice into their own hands.”
~ Bookshop
#NewBookAlert: I mainly know Duane Swierczynski from his fantastic X-Men related comics.
Like comic books his latest novel California Bear features “four unlikely vigilantes.”
It’s Duane so there’s a crime (well a cold case), justice (maybe?) a killer(s) and more! Yes!
Oh the title?
“A prolific serial killer who disappeared forty years ago, who is only now emerging from hibernation when the conditions are just right. And this time, the California Bear is not content to hunt in the shadows…”
Sold. I’m in!
Published: January 09, 2024
Publisher: Mulholland Books
Promotion: Bookshop Affiliation Link
Sammy Younan is the affable host of My Summer Lair: think NPR’s Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.