What do Loudmouth and Cinnamon have to do with a Secret Invasion? Why it’s #SetTheVCR of course.
Tag: MCU
#SetTheVCR: June 12 – 18, 2023
When you look into the Black Mirror you see this week’s #SetTheVCR recommendations.
#SetTheVCR: June 05 – 11, 2023
A Terminator, A Batman, A Spider-Man and a Doctor Who…oh yes it’s #SetTheVCR. And this week it all starts with…a Knock at the Cabin.
MSL Space Station Oddity: DCEU Is Pee-Ew | Batgirl vs HBO Max
Sammy & Rob Gaudette discuss and review the status of the DCEU following the cancellation of Batgirl on HBO Max. Rob still has hope.
Happy Birthday: MCU – Has Left Its Mark
The Iron Age…On September 6, 2005 Marvel entered into a non-recourse debt structure with Merrill Lynch collateralized by movie rights for 10 characters: Iron Man would be the first to make his “Mark.” (At the time Marvel’s media release said: “Marvel characters set to join Captain America in the movies are the Avengers, Nick Fury,…
Morning Tea: White Trash Thor Is A Maverick
What’s popping in popular culture? Sammy steeps some seriously serious tea which prompts reflections.
#CouchWorthy: Hawkeye
Hawkeye: the fifth MCU-Disney TV show debuts on Wednesday November 24, 2021 on Disney+. Will it hit a bullseye?
Morning Tea: Batgirl Is Eternal
What’s popping in popular culture? Sammy steeps some seriously serious tea which prompts reflections.
#SetTheVCR: April 12-18, 2021
Oh! TV shows/movies and TV recommendations: I enjoy both of those things. So, TV On…Pants off! What’s Good on TV this week.
#SetTheVCR: March 15-21, 2021
The return of superheroes and the madness of March: this is one “Blockbuster” of a week. Let’s see what we’ve got!