My Summer Lair Chapter #72: What Is Your Experience With Money Like?
Imagine if we could give money a Yelp review…what would you say?
I’ve so many questions about Basic Income and what that means for the poor, how we treat and deal with the poor; our relationship to money; the redistribution of power; debt forgiveness; reparations: delinking work and income that alone is a huge concept.
This is a heavy but important topic. Let’s get into it.
About Sheila Regehr:
“Sheila’s 29-year career in the federal public service also spanned front-line work, policy analysis and development and senior management. She was a Canadian negotiator at several United Nations world conferences on gender equality and social development, and chaired UN negotiations on poverty and on unpaid work. Her areas of policy expertise include income security and taxation, such as child tax benefits, the tax treatment of child support, the development of Economic Gender Equality Indicators in collaboration with Statistics Canada, maternity/parental benefits, pensions and social assistance. Sheila’s insight also comes from experiencing poverty herself as a young parent.”
About Basic Income Canada Network:
“Basic Income Canada Network is a voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan organization that originated in 2008 in affiliation with Basic Income Earth Network at the international level. BICN is composed of people interested in basic income issues and who come from many walks of life. We include people who are struggling to meet basic needs and those who are financially well-off. We include researchers, activists, policy analysts, professionals, business people and other people of diverse backgrounds, interests and skills. We respect that everyone brings different talent, viewpoints and experience to the basic income conversation and that the input of all is valuable.”
About Free Lunch Society:
Basic Income Canada Network @ W • T • F
Host Sammy Younan
Recorded: Monday February 5, 2018 at 8:00 pm (at Girth Radio)
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