Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
One of the funnest aspects of being one of Girth Radio’s curators is uncovering hidden gems. We honestly need an honest infographic for how much music is being made and how much is not being discovered. It’s as criminal as a Batman villain.
This sonic treat is Lucinda from David Newbould’s album Tennessee. Like a runner up a hill it takes a bit to get going but once it breaks through that wall it just resoundingly rockets to a strong finish.
This song needs to be in a movie…ok, fine one of those cheezy Nicholas Sparks movies…take one small off the map town, toss in the Hunk of The Month, a blonde-ish Chicha in denim shorts, few obstacles to their blazingly obvious Romeo and Juliet love and then BOOM this song comes along (as it’s conveniently raining in the middle of the night, no less) and now finally Hunk and Chica, one can only…really only assume live happily ever after.
Cue credits and cash massive box office cheques, light cigars and fake outrage at the lack of Oscar nominations.