A Ghostbuster for The Cold: Yo…A Ghost Story has surfaced on ye old Netflix.
It’s an excellent movie for these bitter cold nights when you don’t wanna step outta your house.
There are ghosts but it’s not a horror movie. I’ve heard it refered to as a supernatural drama…that works.
Casey Affleck…chick from Social Network (she did the English-Fincher-Dragon movie too but I skipped all that nonense.).
Saw it with 2 other friends and when we emerged into the light we had 3 wildly different interpretations of what we witnessed: always a positive sign a movie doesn’t generate agreement.
I dunno…check it out, it’s weird and it’s slow and it’s different but since it’s too cold to go anywhere Netflix it is. Less chill, more Netflix, you know?
Sammy Says: I dig that when you Google A Ghost Story one of the primary FAQs is: What was the point of the movie “A ghost Story? We don’t ask that question enough or loudly as much as we should.
Sammy Younan is the affable host of My Summer Lair podcast: think NPR’s Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.