Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents… ‘
Still doing my best to keep the Christmas shenanigans at bay; though I am participating in a unique holiday tradition. So some cheer not as much jeer you know?
Think NPR's Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: My Summer Lair with host Sammy Younan: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents… ‘
Still doing my best to keep the Christmas shenanigans at bay; though I am participating in a unique holiday tradition. So some cheer not as much jeer you know?
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
From American Psycho to a Mr. T book signing at Honest Ed’s to Die Hard let’s give thanks for the 80s!
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
From a comedy special to a horror special behold TV’s wide range of emotions all ready to connect to your feelings. You feeling what I’m feeling?
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
The sad thing about surviving horror Halloween is that even if you make it to Sun up…you only have holiday/Christmas movies to look forward to. With this #SetTheVCR I’ve done my best to delay movies with some variation of jingle in the title; instead, hopefully, these recommendations fill you with warm cheer.
Paranormal the first ever Egyptian series produced by Netflix is the first Egyptian work that gets into the IMDB top 250 list.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
A Confession: This week’s #SetTheVCR was a struggle. I suspect many stations and platforms are trying to avoid the American Election behemoth. I haven’t seen slim pickings like this since I tried online dating.
Well, one more week of yelling “I told you not to go into that corn maze…at night!” to movie characters who do not heed my wisdom. Speaking of wisdom before Halloween is over here’s some fun things on TV you’d be wise to check out…much like that noise in the basement. Where the lights do not work.
What follows are some excellent TV recommendations and if we’re being honest a one-time use of the phrase Creeping It Real. As anyone who has gone trick or treating can attest it’s a mixed bag but hey…it’s our mixed bag!