Some March Madness for your TV Recommendations. #SetTheVCR: The X-Men are back in 97…the past is prologue. That’s TV for ya.
Tag: Horror
268 | Robert Cuffley & Alexa Barajas (ROMI)
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan talks to director Robert Cuffley & actress Alexa Barajas about their techno-horror movie ROMI.
267 | Elizabeth Whitmere (Cold)
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan talks to writer-director Elizabeth Whitmere about her body horror short Cold premiering at BITS.
266 | Erik Bloomquist (Founders Day)
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan talks to co-writer & director Erik Bloomquist about his political slasher Founders Day.
Toronto After Dark Film Festival: Founders Day
A small town is shaken by a series of ominous killings in the days leading up to a heated mayoral election. Welcome to Toronto After Dark!
258 | Daphné Baiwir (King On Screen)
My Summer Lair podcast host Sammy Younan talks to director Daphné Baiwir about her Stephen King documentary: King On Screen.
Practice vs Process: Respect The Odds
Thanks to SiriusXM I ah…visited Haddonfield, Illinois. And this time of year!! Yo.
Welcome to Haddonfield, Illinois: Halloween
Thanks to SiriusXM I ah…visited Haddonfield, Illinois. And this time of year!! Yo.
MSL Space Station Oddity: Top 5 | Favourite ”Monsters”
Sammy & Stephanie discuss their Top 5 Favourite Monsters: from vampires to They Live aliens to Hal 9000 to Annie Wilkes and much more!
A Child’s Play With His Father…
Child’s Play…For True.