Netflix and Chill with…Behind the Curve a fascinating documentary about flat eathers!
In Germany Professor Roland Imhoff (of Johannes Gutenberg University) wanted to understand what makes some people choose their beliefs. In particular, dude studied outliers like conspiracy theorists. The facts aren’t at issue here; obviously they can’t be.
His research found that conspiracy theorists are taking comfort in their standing as outliers: they’re searching for a feeling not a logical truth. Oh.
That makes so much sense…you’ll see that reflected in this doc and the humane way director Daniel J Clark frames the flat earthers.
Imhoff writes, “Adherence to conspiracy theory might not always be the result of some perceived lack of control, but rather a deep-seated need for uniqueness.” My independence is more valuable than your acceptance. 100%!!
That’s true in life and business…it’s not limited to flat earthers.
Check it out this weekend.