Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
From the recent In Session With Girth…Tom West there’s something…sublime, easy about this song. Plus its connection to surfing instantly sparked many formidable images.
Keep the board steady
a firm deck above a restless ocean
miles and waves and more miles
wet oscillations from unknown origins
how far have these waves traveled
lunar tugged drawn on a collision course
on this day at this moment
as I rise on my board
steady feet for a steady feat
sturdy, strong: a purposefulness I fail to transport into my daily life
a muscular mindfulness
that restores my wounded soul to the days before school started
like displaced diamonds Sunbeams shatter on the ocean’s surface
I can taste the salt
but not the fear; never the fear
I crouch, ripped
hands flat
I find the groove like a needle on a record
the thin vein
the highway of hope disguised in the wave…
and I ride
and I ride…
baptized by the ocean mist
blessed by the Sun
born again by the experience
I am free
I am whole
In Nature
With Nature
For Nature
I point my nose
away from the beach
in the direction
I know: I must go.