Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
It’s October! As that Autumn wind begins to chill your bones I’ve got some horror suggestions destined to produce warm Fear Pee! Ah, the sites and smells of October and Halloween Season.
Think NPR's Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: My Summer Lair with host Sammy Younan: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
It’s October! As that Autumn wind begins to chill your bones I’ve got some horror suggestions destined to produce warm Fear Pee! Ah, the sites and smells of October and Halloween Season.
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan interviews astronaut painter Scott Listfield about his dynamic paintings and Quarantine his recent solo show at Spoke Art NYC.
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan interviews science writer Sarah Scoles who wrote They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers.
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan interviews poet Paul Vermeersch whose latest collection is Shared Universe: New and Selected Poems 1995-2020.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
This week has lots of excellent TV recommendations we just sadly end on a somber note with a Chadwick Boseman movie. I mean that whole thing is strange. Thankfully there’s lots of tv to distract and help process that.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
The NBA Playoffs…begin…in August?! What a strange weird world we live in. Hopefully, Saturday’s DC FanDome will have details on this Bizzaro Universe.
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan comic book artist and writer Tom Scioli whose latest “issues” are Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics (a graphic novel biography on Jack Kirby) and Fantastic Four: Grand Design (which removes the seams from the FF’s comic book continuity.).
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
We still have TV! COVID may have shut down productions worldwide but be thankful my couch companions we still have good tv to watch. Well I mean good is a strong word: so…we still have tv to watch! You’ll be dozing like a cat in a warm Sunbeam in no time.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
How I Spent My Summer Vacation: well…watching good tv. Maybe get some Vitamin D and take the tablet outside?