Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
Tinker Hatfield is featured in Abstract: The Art of Design a Netflix mini-series premiering on February 10. Yo: Tinker Hatfield, son…it’s time for tea. Oh and yes…Jordan is in it as well. Time for tea for true.
Think NPR's Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: My Summer Lair with host Sammy Younan: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
Tinker Hatfield is featured in Abstract: The Art of Design a Netflix mini-series premiering on February 10. Yo: Tinker Hatfield, son…it’s time for tea. Oh and yes…Jordan is in it as well. Time for tea for true.
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan talks creating movies, storytelling and the Knicks with Ryan Kipp a writer/actor/director/editor.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
The 71st season of the National Basketball Association begins on Tuesday October 25, 2016. KG, Kobe and Duncan are retired (you can toss Stoudemire into that mix and mercifully Mo Williams and Landry Fields are gone which…if you’ve seen em play is not a tragedy) so for the first time this’ll be a new look NBA.
I am ready! Are you?
My Summer Lair host Sammy Younan talks race and politics in America with journalist Jeff Chang author of Who We Be: The Colorization of America.
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
The Spurs-under Gregg Popovich-are the NBA’s greatest magic trick: fans wanna know how they do it. How do they pull it off? There’s nothing I can say about Gregg Popovich that hasn’t been said: every superlative is accurate and more importantly he’s going to walk away with at least 5 rings. Well done, good sir.
To understand how the magic is performed FIBA released a video of Pop speaking at a coaching seminar and boy does he drop knowledge. In the first minute he refutes the notion of magic: “it’s about organization, it’s about discipline, it’s about building the blocks; about relationships with your players.” That’s…it?
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
This Wednesday Kobe will play his final NBA game. No other player since Jordan has defined Sinatra’s My Way:
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
READ ON “Illuminated Chronicles: Kobe….Don’t Love me. Hate me.” »
All-Star Weekend has come and gone. It was freezing and for reasons nobody can properly articulate Sting performed. The coolest aspect of All-Star Weekend was the Jordan store at Yonge-Dundas. S’gone now without a note on the dresser. Damn.
Last half of the 70th NBA season…let’s get down to business. Some of the storylines I was following when the season started are unfolding…
The return of a fresh NBA season brings with it the fist pumping joy of…commercials.
Surprisingly it’s not all about the Superbowl; throughout the NBA season viewers will chuckle, marvel and even gasp at some of the marvelous ads. The commercials are as much a fun part of the entertainment package as the actual games and household name players.
The 70th NBA season begins on Tuesday, October 27.
Following a Warriors championship (that my co-host on Garbage Time Craig White readily marks with an asterisk because they didn’t defeat healthy teams) there were trades and signings and rookies and coaching changes: I’m waiting for the dust to settle to see what the new starting 5s will look like.
In the meantime here are a handful of NBA storylines I’m eagerly following…
If the NBA was gym class…would you draft Dirk Nowitzki? I dunno…I struggle with Nowitzki. He’s got an amazing shot, for true (hence the name of his doc Der perfekte Wurf). But that fire…that fiery assassin desire to utterly destroy you that Jordan, Kobe et al. exhibit doesn’t seem to be present with Nowitzki.