113 | Alexandre O. Philippe (Memory – The Origins of Alien)
My Summer Lair Host Sammy Younan talks with director Alexandre Philippe about his documentary Memory: The Origins of Alien based on the 79 movie.
Think NPR's Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: My Summer Lair with host Sammy Younan: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.
My Summer Lair Host Sammy Younan talks with director Alexandre Philippe about his documentary Memory: The Origins of Alien based on the 79 movie.
My Summer Lair Host Sammy Younan interviews director Todd Douglas Miller whose doc Apollo 11 reveals never-before-seen footage & audio recordings of the moon mission.
My Summer Lair Host Sammy Younan interviews Charles Officer the director of Invisible Essence: The Little Prince a doc on the book’s legacy.
About the time I had no desire to touch your boobies…
My Summer Lair Host Sammy Younan interviews Joshua Harris whose 1997 book I Kissed Dating Goodbye generated enough friction that Joshua was prompted to make the documentary I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
I’ve so many questions. about this while Flat Earth business: like…are all planets flat or just Earth? Where is the edge…of a flat Earth and the edge of our universe? So many questions…
Seeing the schlocky horror movies from the 50, 60s, and 70s made me mourn what we’ve lost. I “discovered” movies like Blacula on late night cable.