Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
From Wake Owl’s outstaning Wild Country EP. The entire EP is a Hidden Gem however I’m gonna focus on Gold. Because it is.
A few listens inspired the following stream of consciousnesses…see for yourself below the video:
The further we go
rationing hope
never understanding what tomorrow will reveal
we can’t remember how this all started
under the ever present gaze of angels
wings of desire
sing on the air
charting the light
There is no we if I go alone
come with me…take my hand
we’ll escape these present judgements
by sequestering ourselves in the tranquil past
We can shape the past more easily than we can create the future
There is no we if I go alone
There is no we if I go alone
There is no we if I go alone
There is only me.
Another Time Then…