Once you know, you know. Once you see a Rich Aucoin show, your mind is blown. The colours, the energy, the quirky videos, Rich’s magic lightbulb, the joy… awesome. For me it was seeing him open for K-OS at The Opera House in 2013. Just wow.
But enough about me (Henry of Culture Snap!), let me tell you about May 9th, when Rich Aucoin performed at The Great Hall for Canadian Music Week. It was all that and then some. Dual drummers keeping things hopping. The floor oscillating like a skipping rope under the weight of everyone jumping to the beat. A giant parachute covering the crowd. Chanting lyrics with hundreds of your new friends. Confetti exploding and balloons dropping. All so good.
Make sure you know. Catch Rich Aucoin at his next gig (rumour has it he’ll be performing during the Pan Am games – check the Panamania site for details).

Find Rich Aucoin at his website, on Facebook, Twitter, and definitely click the link below and listen to his music. Soundcloud.