Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
Drake’s short film, Jungle, is now online…directed by Swiss newcomer Karim Huu Do and scored by Drake’s regular producer, 40. Clearly the best to influence your mythology is clearly to create it:
I have a hard time with Drake because he’s manufactured and not authentic; this is just another example. You consider Taylor Swift authentic?
Drake should be successful because’s following the formula: he’s another link in the New Kids/NSync/Backstreet Boys side of music which has never be authentic…it’s just pop. Which is fine; no issues with that it’s the lack of authenticity that bothers me.
The music is manufactured, the image is assembled, the audience is mainly women, constantly cranking out music to stay popular, known more for dating other pop stars than making music…this short movie captures most of that. I’m not sure what the impression it’s supposed to make.
Maybe that Drake is sensitive? Or that Drake is the Milhouse of Canadian rap?
There’s nothing authentic about Drake. And when you’re that fake it’s easy to reject. He’s successful…as far as the world defines success (which is not relevant to this conversation). Sales, hits etc. don’t matter because they don’t define quality much less authenticity.
If Drake works for you…take him; he’s all yours. I’ll even toss in Bieber too. I’m happy to hold out for something legit.