In a year that was unlike any TV year we’ve had: May I continue with a 2020 TV Recap?
Tag: Streaming TV
#SetTheVCR: April 2020 Recap & Review
In a year that was unlike any TV year we’ve had: For a month that started with April Fools’ this month was not fooling around and delivered much TV goodness.
#SetTheVCR: April 5-11, 2020
Welcome, a new streaming service to the platform party: Quibi. No need to feel overwhelmed with all those streaming options: as always at #SetTheVCR I got ya covered!
#SetTheVCR: March 2020 Recap & Review
In a year that was unlike any TV year we’ve had: March was a struggle…for a month known for Spring there was no spring in the TV schedule.
#SetTheVCR: Febuary 2020 Recap & Review
In a year that was unlike any TV year we’ve had: In a month noted for Valentine’s Day…there was lots of TV to love.
#SetTheVCR for Sunday, March 31 to Saturday, April 6, 2019
Behold all the seasons and shows I’ve missed for various nonsensical reasons giving me another opportunity via another season. It remains to be “seen” if I’ll watch. That’s the nice thing about tv…you often get a second chance even if you don’t deserve it. Sunday, March 31 Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series, Netflix Barry:…
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#SetTheVCR for Sunday, March 24 to Saturday, March 30, 2019
This is one of those weeks where “we’re in the golden era of television” is a hard sell. Still undaunted I’ve found some television worthy of your VCR. Sunday, March 24 Into the Badlands: Season 4 (10 p.m.) AMC I ain’t going Into the Badlands on AMC so I got nothing. Maybe watch March Madness?…
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#SetTheVCR: Sunday October 28, 2018 to Saturday November 3, 2018
#SetTheVCR is your weekly TV Guide by Sammy Younan to help you plan a fantastic TV schedule from must-watch TV shows to fun discoveries.