#SetTheVCR for Sunday March 18, 2018 to Saturday March 24, 2018:
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Think NPR's Fresh Air meets Kevin Smith: My Summer Lair with host Sammy Younan: interviews & impressions on Pop Culture.
The Dirt a Mötley Crüe biopic now streaming on Netflix is Straight Outta Compton for White People. Put your metal up!
This is one of those weeks where “we’re in the golden era of television” is a hard sell. Still undaunted I’ve found some television worthy of your VCR. Sunday, March 24 Into the Badlands: Season 4 (10 p.m.) AMC I ain’t going Into the Badlands on AMC so I got nothing. Maybe watch March Madness?…
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Titans is based on the comics from back in the day. I gave it a shot…which is why I am writing and sharing a handful of highlights.
You’d think with all this winter we’d have excellent television and reasons to stay indoors but nooooo.
Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union.
#SetTheVCR is your weekly TV Guide by Sammy Younan to help you plan a fantastic TV schedule from must-watch TV shows to fun discoveries.
#SetTheVCR for Sunday March 18, 2018 to Saturday March 24, 2018:
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#SetTheVCR for Sunday March 11, 2018 to Saturday March 17, 2018:
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