Like The Boy in the Woods it’s easy to get lost in the Wild Wild Space of streaming and TV Recommendations. No worries: #SetTheVCR offers history ruckus to contract killer ruckus and lots more…ruckus.
Tag: Justice League
#SetTheVCR: April 22-28, 2024
From a White House visit to Bon Jovi’s big hair these TV recommendations are a big deal. Of course you know it: it’s #SetTheVCR.
Trailer Alert: Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Sammy Younan
Girth Radio Presents…
More like a Sneak Peek than a proper “Coming Soon” trailer…
DC Films Fail at Hip Hip Hooray!
Remember at the beginning of a mighty Marvel movie that classic comic book flipbook logo and how it made your spider-sense tingle?